Friday, February 18, 2011

Going Green

One of the things I love most about Barefoot Books is their commitment to eco-awareness and stewardship.  To that end, all of the books are printed on ancient forest friendly paper.  Sounds great, right, but what does that actually mean?  Straight from the home office:

"As the name suggests, this means that we only use paper provided by responsible suppliers running well managed forests who do not destroy ancient trees in the process of making paper. Further, the felled timber is not replaced with an inappropriate fast-growing species (such as pine, which is unsuitable for high quality paper production on reaching maturity) but with a similar species which is given time to mature before being felled for further paper production."

The eco-awareness and earth stewardship themes can be found in many Barefoot Books products, but two that really bring them front and center are the Yoga Planet card deck, and the Whole World Fun Eco Activities book.

This fun and interactive card deck includes 50 yoga poses and games to help you feel connected to the Earth's elements: air, earth, fire, water, and space.  The cards were written by YogaEd.

This earth-friendly activity book was printed on 100% recycled paper, and includes games, puzzles, art activities, and quizzes.  Check out this review of the book from our friends at Mountaintop Tribe!  And while you're there, be sure to enter their giveaway for a $25 Barefoot Books gift certificate, and check out their cool store, Natural Family Supplies.

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